- Residents – their diversity, enthusiasm, varied backgrounds, talents, passion for Quilcene, eagerness to help, experience in other places
- People willing & able to mentor kids
- The outdoors / our pristine environment
- Our name -- only one “Quilcene” in the country!
- Outside organizations willing to help us – WSU Extension, Habitat for Humanity, OlyCap
- “bike-able” trails & roadways
- Horse-accessible trails & pastures
- WOOD (access to wood in surrounding forests)
- Hunting and FISH & sports fishing, shrimping, crabbing, clamming
- Thriving aquaculture industry – oyster farms, mussel farms
- “Quilcene Oyster” branding
- Agriculture / local farms/ Agri-tourism (in this region)
- Farm markets and CSAs, providing all kinds of foods
- Ornamental plant-growers, e.g. Japanese maples
- Tree farms & Forest Service tree-cutting permits for holiday trees
- Water – rivers, streams, Quilcene Bay & Hood Canal (our fjord) and Water sports
- Forest and forest “products” for individuals to harvest, e.g. trees, boughs, rhodies, mushrooms
- Forest Service station, forest trails & permits
- US 101 and the 1.5 to 2 million vehicles driving through here every year
- Motorcycle tourists
- Vintage car clubs
- Marina (Quilcene Boat Haven / Port of Pt. Townsend
- Parks – adjacent to community center, and at marina and Campgrounds
- Beaches & access points to Quilcene Bay
- Tennis court and Skateboard facility
- Water system serving downtown
- Restaurants & cafes – Timber House, Twana Roadhouse, Loggers’ Landing
- Olympic Art Gallery
- Peninsula Market - Ice cream cones at the Peninsula Market
- Businesses (Best Hardware, Waltz Wood Products, Walker Mountain Inn)
- Concentrated business district / co-located businesses
- Quilcene School
- 4-H Club and Garden Club
- Chamber of Commerce
- Festivals & community events – Brinnon Shrimpfest, Quilcene Fair, Garden Club Sale
- Olympic Music Festival
- Dressage events & hunting dog field trials
- The mobile pizza guy
- Historical Museum
- Community Center and Food Bank
- Good-value real estate / “affordable” land
- Vacant buildings downtown
- Gas tanks in the ground