WAYS TO INCREASE QUILCENE’S APPEAL - Cleaned up Quilcene including eye sores
- Entertainment
- Community people clean up Quilcene Organize a group of people to clean
- Diagonal parking (not just any old where)
- Advertise what we have
- Improve fence around school
- Music in the Barn
- More open businesses
- Plant trees
- Rafting
- Gas Station/grocery/visitor Info Center
- Kids selling lemonade
- Visitor Center run by volunteers like the one on off of 101
- More investment—More There there
- Paint the town
- Open camp ground
- Display stuff in empty stores
- Art /signage road art
- Group with other little cities for loop drive
- Better signage for Forest Service
- Decorate for MORE holidays—Easter, Halloween, etc
- RV park/roadside park
- Picnic area
- Oysters 16 ways
- Theme—Pearl of the
- Sit down coffee and internet
- Boardwalk
- Downtown core
- Brochure on ferry etc.
- Marketing. Web site, town website
- Organizations to give infor and cookies
- Pan de Amore branch/outlet maybe day old