QC7 Needs List

  • Store—outlet for local produce and goods
  • Teen center
  • Signage to mountains
  • Gas station
  • Speed trap on Dabob
  • Bigger farmers market
  • Local T shirt (saying on front, names of all the business on back)
  • Phrase/brand “Quilcene One and Only”
  • Homeless shelter
  • More community—potlucks etc.
  • Movie night—indoors or out
  • Safe place to ride horses—forest and private property off road
  • Hanging baskets (Fern)
  • Wifi hot spot with coffee and muffins
  • Cool coffee shop
  • Bakery
  • Horse trail system
  • DSL opn Dabob that works
  • Water system
  • Business directory
  • Fireflow
  • Visual appeal
  • Remove old sign on Center re 1987 team win.
  • Yoga class /gym
  • Link with Music Festival
  • Logo
  • Attractive picnic area
  • Old Time Fiddlers
  • Community Clean up day