- Oysters
- Small town
- Unique—only “Quilcene”
- Friends and family
- Surroundings—foothills
- 80 trails leave from Quilcene
- Waterfalls
- Quilcene Bay and marina
- No stoplights
- Close knit community where we help each other
- People are not judgmental
- Mountains and mountain trails
- School is central to community K-12
- Timberhouse
- Post office and Tammy
- Health clinic and medical services
- Small connected community
- Henery’s Hardware
- Freedom
- Physical Therapy in town
- Chiropractor in town
- Immunization available
- OP doctors in town on some Fridays
- WICK and family planning
- Second Chance Ranch
- Fishing
- Camping
- Dog Trials
- Native trout
- Remote but close to Seattle
- Mt. Walker
- U cut Christmas trees
- Forest Service
- Birds
- Fish Hatchery
- Fire, EMT, sheriff
QC8 Assets List