- Natural beauty
- Birds in Quilcene Bay
- People volunteer and are welcoming
- Hiking and boating
- Location on 101 and traffic it has
- Forrest Service access and Ranger Station
- Quilcene Bay and tide cycle
- Family connection and Family History
- Logging
- Hunting, Fishing
- Area us inspiring for artists
- School is the center of the community and major employer
- History of the area including logging
- Quilcene Community Center and Bob Rosen
- Kids willing to work
- Spirit of volunteerism and generosity
- Potential
- Big and Little Quilcene rivers
- Salmon restoration’
- Green Mountain Lavender
- Liquor store
- Fresh seafood and sea life
- School offers recreation
- School garden to cafeteria
- People with lots of skills—from building to baking
- Location 2 hours from Seattle
- Olympic Music Festival
- Timberhouse
- Empty buildings have potential
QC9 Assets List