Beautify Quilcene Team Page

Gateway Project Success!!!
Check it out here!

Many thanks to all the Beautification Team members on getting this project beautifully designed and executed!!

Project Photos, 6-5-11:

Work on the Planter Bed located on Hwy 101 by Twana Roadhouse.
Scroll down for more photos!
Above: Results of the Team's work!
Well the team was out once again this past Saturday 6-4-11. Given the nice weather, we had a good turnout. Lori Millard brought the tractor, Stan Nealy brought the tiller, and we "went to town" on the Twana's bed.

During - - GO STAN!!
The Quilcene Fair Association helped out with a plant budget for the bed, and a few of our previously donated plants were added as well. Tom Arnesen brought some bark by, and Chuck and Mary supplied some weed barrier for the project. Jim and Carol dropped off some foodstuffs so we kept nourished during the day, and that was very much appreciated. 40 hours later, the job was pretty well completed, with just a few more things to add to the bed, and some annuals to be planted beneath the sign.


A big thanks to all those who gave up the nicest Saturday of the year to pitch in and help with the project!


Tuesday June 7th at 6pm, at the Timberhouse, we will have a 'short' meeting to review progress, discuss a few things relating to donations and expenses we will be incurring in the future, and of course scheduling our next project.

See you there..................



Previous project: Rehab of the "Triangle Bed" on HWY 101

5-28-11 – Message from Team Captain John Helsper
The first of the donated plants got put in the ground on Saturday. A very full day of work finished the clearing out and leveling of the area, addition of some topsoil, plants, weed barrier and logs to contain the area.

Here's a few pictures of the area, before and after.


A big thanks to Lori Millard for bringing over her tractor, Lynn Thompson for hauling the soil for us, and Tom French who donated the logs. Stan Nealy brought his chain saw, and Chuck and Mary along with Tom Brotherton came over to help with the planting, project as well Thanks to those volunteers, we were able to get the majority of the bed done, all we need now is some drip irrigation tubing, and some bark to finish off the bed.

We have just received a generous donation from Carol Bromel to purchase the bark mulch. Thank you Carol!


Previous Project: Rehab of Totem Pole garden fronting Quilcene High School!

3-28-11: BEAUTIFYING QUILCENE – Team Captain John Helsper
( called his team together on Tuesday
evening to set in motion a whole spring / summer full of clean-up &
beautify projects.  Projects were discussed ranging from immediate,
high visibility low cost , long term development of the downtown

As I write this (Sat. morning), the team is out on Center Road between
East Columbia (where the Museum is) and the US Bank, cleaning up and
pressure-washing the only paved sidewalk into town.  Plans are
underway (and agreement has been granted by the School Bd and
Administration) to rehabilitate the “Totem Pole Garden” in front of
the school.

The team will also collaborate with US Bank when their landscapers rejuvenate the Bank’s property this spring.  And soon team members will be contacting owners of properties leading into our downtown, to see how we can join forces with them to clean up and beautify all of our “approaches.”

Then there are the flower barrels, pots and baskets that decorate the
downtown core.  As you may know, Kit Kittredge and Lori Millard have
been “gifting” these giant living bouquets to all of us for many years. The Beautify Quilcene team is signing on to provide the ongoing support Kit and Lori very much deserve. The team has its work cut out for it!  But the results will be a benefit to all of us, residents and businesses alike.