QC2 Projects for the Community

·Environmental/outdoors magnet school
·Junk removal project  (Vermont had one—came in and did it)
·Better web site with pictures of activities and assets
·Gas station and local products farm stand
·Kids involved in the cleanup
·Advertise water access
·Open park next to Community Center
·Nursery selling plants (profits going to community)
·Paint the town
·Outdoor event weekend including animal sand sculpture
·B&B on the water
·Have the Forest Service do more advertising
·Swimming raft in bay
·Better use school portable—perhaps for Environmental/outdoors School
·Pay phone on Linger Longer
·Bike trails
·Fall Festival with pumpkin toss/catapult
·Sign –what is going on and it should be changeable
·Empty buildings in town used as a show room by the Museum
·A standing volunteer labor detail
·Labor pool exchange (local currency)
·After school programs using community members
·More advertising of the Quilcene Fair
·More events
·Street hanging baskets with flowers
·Public rest rooms perhaps signage for restrooms at the Community Center
·Wilderness Festival
·Coast Oyster and mussels at Fair—perhaps led in to an environmental/outdoors focus
·Whistling Oyster reopened—perhaps an extension of the Community Center
·Improved housing for all—eliminate substandard housing
·Public showers
·Mentors for kids
·Build on Fair---add environmental/outdoors focus
·Early summer event so that there is time for visitors to return
·Better link with the Olympic Music Festival—they have people coming from out of town
·Theater in the forest